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updated: 18/10/2007
G7ToWin version A.00.200f
Price indication : Freeware version :
platform :  Windows XP
 Windows 98
 Windows NT
 Windows ME
 Windows 2000
compatible with :  Garmin

Download here

A very handy program to download data from GPS equipment to the PC to process. Not only the data (waypoints, tracks or routes etc) but also a bitmap of the screen can be downloaded if the GPS supports this. The program is also very usefull for exchange of data between different brand/types of GPS receivers. Waypoints, routes, events, and track logs can be edited by G7ToWin and stored to various file types. Downloaded display bitmaps cannot be edited, however, they can be rotated. Display bitmaps may also be saved in a standard Windows .bmp file.

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